Mrs Broussard | Secret Garden Bridal Session
Bridals are the hardest sessions for me to shoot because I love them SO much but I have to wait to share them! I first worked with Hanah & Ben for their engagements back in the Spring of this year, and I looooove that session! Hanah scheduled her bridals for early September and due to the weather, we rescheduled & rescheduled.. and then when it came down to one month before her wedding we decided on an indoor location to be safe and avoid anymore rescheduling! I am sort of glad we had those previous delays because we ended up having a stunning session at the indoor location! I’ll admit I was a little unsure about this location as I am primarily an outdoor photographer! But I am so happy with the results of this session and overjoyed to share them here on the blog! After I delivered her bridals Hanah sent me one of the sweetest messages I’ve ever received and mentioned they would be using me for many future sessions! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Broussard! I am so looking forward to working with you guys in the future as your marriage & family grows! :)