Happy Birthday Dallas!
The Edwards Family welcome their sweet Dallas on a late September morning, a week and a half before she was expected! It is always such an honor to be booked by another photographer, so I was thrilled when I was contacted by Vanessa of VE Photography about photographing the arrival of her long awaited baby girl! Due to some previous complications, Vanessa was scheduled for a c-section but went into natural labor before that date arrived! She contacted me late the night labor started to let me know things were happening, then again around 1am to let me know the scheduled section time.. and after a few hours of very little sleep (I get too anxious to sleep when my moms are in the hospital) I headed out to the hospital to meet them! Right when I arrived Vanessa was being taken back for prep! Dustin and I dressed in our c-section attire and waited to be taken back with her! Minutes after getting into the OR, sweet Dallas was here! Dallas let out a few sweet little cries when she was born and then after that she was the quietest, most content newborn I’ve ever photographed. Her family was there to warmly welcome her, and even though her big brother wasn’t so sure about her arrival.. I bet he’s taken his role as big brother and is loving his sweet sister! Vanessa quickly posted some beautiful newborn pictures of her sweet girl, if you haven’t seen her work before, be sure to check it out!
Congratulations to the Edwards family!